Are There Ways to Make Big Money Online Outside Google?

Yes They Are and Plenty! Generating traffic on the Internet is a challenge in which the rules continue to change every year. The major search engines, such as Google, Bing, and Yahoo, all have different rules and regulations about what is acceptable marketing and what’s considered spam. Email servers like hotmail and gmail also have their own particular expectations and set of rules to avoid phishing scams and other rogue, surreptitious businesses from targeting their clients and driving them away.

So, generating traffic on the Internet continues to stump many young entrepreneurs and ultimately leads them to buy expensive, overpriced keywords that will most likely run them right out of business before even making one legitimate sale. The key to success on the Internet is conversion and if you don’t know how to maximize conversions, then you’re going to struggle to make it in the online business world.

The Quest for Internet Traffic

If you make a quick search on the Internet for marketing techniques, you will find dozens and even hundreds of different strategies, each having their advocates and their detractors. With so many different methods to choose from, it can be head-spinning and mind numbing just to navigate the world of Internet marketing. The only way to truly figure out what will work for your particular business is to have the inside track from a reliable source.

Which begs the next question, which is how does one know a reliable source from a complete novice or scam artist?

Drive Traffic

Did you know that Pay-Per-Click advertising is still the best way to drive traffic to your website? However Google Adwords, Bing, and Yahoo have become extremely expensive and their constant policy changes and regulations make it almost impossible for an entrepreneur or small business to succeed.

Drive Traffic explores little known PPC (Pay per Click) networks with massive traffic available where people are taking huge profits without having to battle with quality scores and other limitations. These sources of traffic are for both experienced players investing thousands of dollars day to scale and for beginners with budgets of less than a $100 dollars to invest.

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