How to Lose 10 Lbs a Week and Say Goodbye to Stubborn Fat Forever

The 3 Week Diet.

Does the headline above sound all too familiar to you? The fact is, the statement can be true, but only if you start your weight loss efforts in a more positive note. The article below will guide you on how to take the first step in shedding excess pounds without going on fad diets.

4 fat loss myths we’re tired of hearing

  • Calorie counting does not compute: Calorie counting is so tiresome! Who actually whips out a calculator each time during meals anyway?
  • Should we shun the carbs? Not all the time! There are other fat burning foods that can help you lose weight. Carbohydrates are not the enemy here!
  • Why some “health foods” make us fatter. Example: Diet soda is loaded full of sugar – BAD! Corn oil contains lots of Omega-6 fatty acids which is actually unsaturated fats – BAD! So you see, not all so-called health foods are good for you.
  • Eat less, lose more? Not so! When you eat less than the portions you need, your body thinks it is going into starvation mode and will want to retain as much fat to survive. This is definitely NOT what you want!

Why people can’t lose weight, and the solutions

  • Too much complaining, not action? Some people complain too much, not knowing the solutions are there under their own noses. The solution? Shut UP and step DOWN from your pedestal, then OPEN your eyes to the availability of these viable solutions!
  • NO motivation or encouragement. Most do not realize that being overweight is actually detrimental to their health. The solution? Think about how great it would be to finally fit into that pair of skinny jeans or a muscle T. If that does not motivate you, think about your loved ones and how they will be devastated should they lose to diseases brought on by failing health. It’s time to lose weigh, and this time it’s to live longer so you can see your kids and grandkids grow up!
  • NO will power. It’s normal to see people starting diets or exercising in a bid to lose weight but their enthusiasm quickly fizzle out after several days (or even hours!). The solution? Get a Big Brother to watch over you! If you have a spouse or a loved one in the house who won’t mind “forcing” you to be consistent in your weigh loss endeavors!
  • Lack of education. Don’t know how to lose weight? It’s easy to be disillusioned by all that information on the Internet. The solution? Go online and find out all you can about weight loss, and get these facts across to your doctor. That way you can separate the myths from the facts.
  • Couldn’t care less. Why should you lose weight when you’re fine the way you are? Lots of people who are in dire need to lose “excess baggage” think losing weight won’t change a thing. The truth is, PLENTY will change, and for the better too. Losing weight can create a more confident and better looking you, which may land you better job, better pay, happier days!

More ways to lose weight

  • Join a support group

    Did you know there are lots of support groups who guide people along their efforts of losing weight? Being a part of these groups give you a sense of belonging and will spur you on to lose weight quickly. It is human nature to want to please and conform to other people’s standards, and in this case you can use this to your advantage.

    If a support group is just not your thing, you may want to rope in friends and family members whom you are more familiar with. Get them to lose weight together; it’ll be fun!

  • Turn something you hate into something you like

    Don’t like jogging? Hate going to the gym? It’s not all that bad! You can opt to run on a new jogging trail or in places you’ve never been before. A change of scenery can motivate you to run further and explore the environment. As for the gym, you can choose to sign up for dance aerobic classes. Some even offer fun belly dancing classes for the ladies. The gym can be a great place to meet exciting people, so don’t hesitate to attend classes twice a week or more!

  • The 3 Week Diet

    A diet program called The 3 Week Diet is a new revolutionary weight loss program that actually tells you to stop dieting the conventional way, and start eating or living the way you love. But the bottom line is that it works. The system is easy to follow and delivers immediate results.

    Click here to watch the video.

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